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Loss to the Bronco Family



fawkin classy
Nov 7, 2003
Athens, GA
Guys to be clear, Taylor was really good about wearing his harness. A close family friend lost his life a few years ago and that stuck with him (CJ, no belt). It was one of those deals we all have done just a few feet, loading, ect. Never take a chance. It can happen anywhere, anytime. Trust me, I could see doing EXACTLY what he did that night. It was only a couple feet to back up. Then get back out and unlock the hubs again. I am posting my speech I wrote to give you an idea of who this fine young man was. Trust me it was much much longer, but nobody wants to be in a church for two hours hearing me ramble.

The last few days I have had many people tell me how much Taylor learned from me and looked up to me. In all reality, it was completely the opposite. Taylor taught us all how to laugh at ourselves and well, others.

I can remember the first time I met Taylor on Atlanta Highway just a block or so down this street. I was in my 70 Bronco and some kid in this beat up, old brown Bronco pulls up and says "nice Bronco man". I said thanks. Had I know talking to him would be so much work down the road for me on that same old Bronco, I should have acted as if I never heard him.

Taylor always found the time for his family, Kara, friends, Bronco, hiking, school, and work. Even as packed and stressful as his schedule was, he would always be quick with a joke and a smile. Taylor could make a friend at the drop of a hat. We all know he would never drop his own because it never left his head. No matter how bad my day was he could bring a smile to my face. A few years ago; Taylor, Kara, and I planned on tailgating in a parking lot. We drove our Broncos up early and parked to save a spot for my pickup to come back later. When we showed back up, both Broncos had been towed. We spent some time and money getting them back and ended up watching the game at my house. Keep in mind, I am an Ohio State fan, and Georgia lost that game. Even so, I would not give up that day for anything. Taylor was still joking around and making the best of it.

Taylor was a brother to me. I look back at all of the work we put into his Bronco, and I am happy to have spent those countless hours dirty, greasy, and tired with him. Those hours were not wasted. I believe we spoke about every issue known to man. We even solved world peace, we were just holding out for the right time to tell everyone.

Even as most friends do, I cannot remember a time Taylor and I had been angry at each other or said negative things to each other in anger. Taylor was eight years my junior. Many people would find that strange, as I did at first. I met him at the age of 16 and did not meet him again for a few years. I was drawn to him due to his level of maturity that is not seen in today's youth. And he had numberous friends even older than myself. He was wise beyond his years. He enjoyed the simpler things in life and understood there really were better things to do than most twenty-something years old kids could grasp. The outdoors, good friends, and family were important to him. He loved his trips to the mountains with Mr Gregg and Rob. He loved getting into his Bronco and head into the woods. The funny thing I keep thinking about is Taylor may have known more about my Broncos than his own. I was never able to brag about them because he would already be doing that for me before I could even open my mouth.

Friday afternoon Taylor and I happened to speak about death. He did not want everyone to be sad, he wanted us to celebrate his life. He brought smiles to our faces in life and wished the same for us now. I hope one day to be half as good a man as Taylor Gregg was. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg, you raised the finest young man I have ever met. I am truely blessed to have been able to call him my friend. The most important thing Taylor taught me is, its not the number of years in your life, its the number of lives in your years. He did that like no other.


Sr. Member
Oct 1, 2008
that is one of the most heartfelt ,simple, yet enormously profound things i have read in some time.
life's to short to be ill over small things, hug your wife and kids every time you can.
your in our prayers,

just let me know if i can help with your plans. i have a bunch of spare parts if it's bronco related and my 72 is still mobile til i tear into the harness for a winter project.
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Sr. Member
Nov 23, 2004
That was awesome bro!! Very well put. I only met Taylor that 1 time but can understand everything you said.


Bronco Guru
May 8, 2007
Mesa AZ
"You know that filter that tells you not to say certain things? I don't have it."

And you dont need it my friend.


Sr. Member
Mar 4, 2005
Bishop, CA
RIP Mountain Guy and Godspeed. Taylor was one very blessed young man to have a friend like you Evil! Prayers out to family and friends!


Bronco Guru
Jul 4, 2007
Belmar, NJ
Although I've never met you both I can feel the love and respect that you both had. Thank you for sharing. Your words make me feel as if I had also known Taylor.


all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
i read this with a tear in my eye. How many people can leave this world and have somebody speak so highly of us after we have left? truly a remarkable young man. Evil, again soooo sorry you and his family have endured such a loss. Celebrate his life, he will live on in your memories....good job.


fawkin classy
Nov 7, 2003
Athens, GA
Today Taylor was awarded a posthumous degree for the Warnell Forestry School at UGA. As well as a tree and plaque at the Forestry land that he spent so much of his time. I could not ask for any more than what the University of Georgia has done for the Gregg family. I like to think Taylor would have been pissed that we got to sit in a box and it was not for a football game and not a damn Bud in sight. With Taylor's ashes spread in the Smokies, now we have a small place to remember him at his tree. The Greggs have read this thread and do thank you for all of your kind words, as do I.

Give 'em hell Warnell! And Taylor, I know you would be counting trees with the best of them. Love ya brother, and I will have another beer leaning on an EB fender with ya one day.
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fawkin classy
Nov 7, 2003
Athens, GA
This is the color Taylor had picked out years ago. His brother wanted to finish the truck like Taylor wanted.









Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
Looks great Kyle!! It's really cool that you've stayed involved with his Bronco and his family to see it through to completion. It would have been easier to walk away from it and all the sadness that I'm sure you feel when you see it and work on it but it says a lot about you as a man to know you're finishing what you started. I'm sure Taylor is smiling!! Good work brother!!